About Oliver Hazard Perry Rhode Island

OHPRI provides innovative and empowering education programs at sea and ashore to promote personal growth and professional development, while raising awareness of opportunities in the maritime industry, marine trades, and defense sector for the communities of Rhode Island and Southern New England.

Welcome E-board! Online Learning with OHPRI

Even when students can't physically come aboard our ship to join in-person programs, Oliver Hazard Perry Rhode Island is committed to providing an exciting and creative learning experience. Visit our Online Learning page to explore maritime terminology, technology, and history from anywhere in the world, accompanied by classroom learning tools for teachers and students from Grades K-12.

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Happening on the Oliver Hazard Perry


Oliver Hazard Perry Rhode Island is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Our mission is to provide innovative and empowering education-at-sea programs to promote personal and professional growth.

Terms and Conditions