Alex Agnew 

George Baker 

Philip Bilden 

Russell Bostock 

Sam Bradner 

D’Arcy Carr 

John Corbishley 

Regis de Ramel 

Tom Goddard


Dave Gove 

Neal Harrell 

John Laramee 

Bob Morton 

Paul O’Reilly 

Karen Kelly Shea 

Eric Spicer 

Jen Spring

David Staples


Sue Stenhouse 

James Van Winkle 

Kathy Vespia 

Kurt Voss 

Trixie Wadson 

Lisa Weyandt 

Glenn Whisler 

Rick Williams


Oliver Hazard Perry Rhode Island is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Our mission is to provide innovative and empowering education-at-sea programs to promote personal and professional growth.